Get the App2024-05-21T14:45:50+00:00

Guidance, calculations and tools assisting with aviation & flight procedure design covering ICAO PANS-OPS and FAA TERPS criterias

Getting FPAssistant

The basic FPAssistant app for Microsoft Windows is free to download from your device’s relevant app store and use it. Extensions are available through in-app purchases on a subscription basis of a term based license; this has many advantages including a user can purchase what they want when they want.

FPAssistant Lite is designed for small devices such as mobile devices (using Apple iOS and Google Android) and this will have a smaller set of features that are available on the main FPAssistant app where a larger screen size is not needed.

FPAssistant for Windows

For Windows 10 and above: PCs, tablets
and mobiles
Download from Microsoft