General News about FPAssistant and CADology

Goodbye Windows 10 Mobile, Hello Andromeda?

Microsoft have now officially dropped support for Windows 10 Mobile which is a shame as FPAssistant was running on this platform quite well, the screen shots below show some parts with maps, tables and graphs used in the FPAssistant app for Windows 10 mobile. Sadly, this means that FPAssistant will not be progressed any further [...]

2018-05-31T16:55:18+00:00May 15th, 2018|General News|

Visit to World ATM Congress 2018

Having not been to the World ATM Congress for a few years I thought that this year I would visit Madrid and attend. Prior to leaving the UK we had some very cold weather and snow was causing disruption but I managed to arrive in Madrid on time and get to see some old friends [...]

2018-05-31T16:56:10+00:00March 15th, 2018|General News|